Category: Caregiver Resources

Make the Most of Your Insurance

blocks that have medical symbols on them

Many seniors struggle to work their way through the options and make an informed choice regarding their health insurance. Below is a brief breakdown for each option to help you make the best decision for your healthcare needs. Traditional Medicare Let’s start with traditional Medicare. It is made up of several parts. Here’s what you… Read more »

Online Safety for Seniors

older lady looking at tablet smiling

Dear Jana: My husband and I recently bought my mom an iPad. Our children helped her set up an account on Facebook and showed her how to search for people she knows. We all thought it would be a great way for her to find old friends and to stay in touch with family. She’s… Read more »

Applying for Medicaid for a Central Ohio Senior

nurse and older lady looking at tablet talking

Dear Tracy: We know that the world of Medicaid can be very confusing, so we figured we should be asking questions about the things that aren’t clear. Our question is simple: what IS Medicaid, and why should our parents apply for it? Also, what tips do you have? Thank you so much! -The Everett Family… Read more »

Financial Conversations with a Senior Loved One

nurse showing paper to older couple

Adult children often struggle to begin a conversation about finances with an aging loved one. For many families, financial matters were never discussed in front of “the children.” As a senior loved one gets older or begins to experience health problems, however, these conversations become increasingly more important. In the event of a crisis, would… Read more »

Warning Signs that a Senior Needs More Help

lady with hands on her face in disbelief

Dear Regina: I went home to visit my mother in the Columbus area over the holidays. It was my first in-person visit with her since last spring. Besides losing weight, she seemed a little disorganized and nervous during my stay. I’m not sure if this is just normal aging or signs that she needs help… Read more »

How to Involve Your Parent in Care Decisions

daughter and mom looking over paperwork in a folder

Dear Kara: My mother’s health has been steadily declining over the last few years. While she doesn’t have any life-limiting illnesses, she has a number of small health concerns. They have caused her to struggle with mobility and stamina. She is also a little bit confused at times. We have gradually begun making many of… Read more »

Is it Time to Give Up Driving?

image of car keys

Dear Janet: My father suffered a stroke three months ago. While he is doing remarkably well, I’m not sure how safe he is driving. My mom won’t really talk about it, but I sense she is afraid of his driving since the stroke. I took a look at their car when I visited their Columbus… Read more »

Medicare Advantage Plan: How It Works

blocks that have medical symbols on them

Dear Tracy: My husband and I are thinking of switching to a Medicare Advantage Plan. We’ve heard it is a great way to save money, but we are a little confused about a few details. Does signing up mean we are no longer part of Medicare? Can we sign up any time of year we… Read more »