Category: Caregiver Resources

How to Involve Your Parent in Care Decisions

daughter and mom looking over paperwork in a folder

Dear Kara: My mother’s health has been steadily declining over the last few years. While she doesn’t have any life-limiting illnesses, she has a number of small health concerns. They have caused her to struggle with mobility and stamina. She is also a little bit confused at times. We have gradually begun making many of… Read more »

Is it Time to Give Up Driving?

image of car keys

Dear Janet: My father suffered a stroke three months ago. While he is doing remarkably well, I’m not sure how safe he is driving. My mom won’t really talk about it, but I sense she is afraid of his driving since the stroke. I took a look at their car when I visited their Columbus… Read more »

Medicare Advantage Plan: How It Works

blocks that have medical symbols on them

Dear Tracy: My husband and I are thinking of switching to a Medicare Advantage Plan. We’ve heard it is a great way to save money, but we are a little confused about a few details. Does signing up mean we are no longer part of Medicare? Can we sign up any time of year we… Read more »

What is Quality Income Trust?

question mark with words "what is a quality income trust"

Dear Crystal: My parents have both had some serious health issues in recent years. I think in all likelihood, we will need to find a nursing home for them to move to in the very near future. My father is very unsteady on his feet and is falling quite often. Despite telling my mom over… Read more »

Convincing Mom or Dad That It’s Time

daughter and mom looking at each other

Dear Greg: The time has come for my brother and me to talk with our father about moving to an assisted living community here in the Columbus area. From falls to car accidents to poor nutrition, he just isn’t safe living in his old house any longer. We just know it is time to make… Read more »

Making Healthcare Decisions for Your Parent

holding hands

Dear John: My parents have both had fairly serious health problems the last few months. Until then both of them were active and independent. To be honest, we never really discussed how we would handle healthcare decisions and what their wishes for the future might be. My brother and I thought, since our parents were… Read more »