Category: Caregiver Resources

Providing Long-Distance Care for My Aging Parent

cell phone call screen

Providing care for a loved one from afar doesn’t have to be a challenge. With these tips, you can develop a meaningful long-distance caregiving relationship with your parent or loved one that will be rewarding for everyone. Let’s get started! What is Long-Distance Caregiving? Providing care from a distance of more than an hour is… Read more »

Do My Senior Parents Need Immediate Help?

family smiling and sitting on chair drinking tea

My sister, usually helps out Mom and Dad, because my husband and I live out of state. Although we try to visit during holidays, my sister is the one who takes care of my parents on a regular basis. When we visited at Thanksgiving, I was appalled by my parents’ condition. Both Mom and Dad… Read more »

6 New Year’s Resolutions for Caregivers


As we head toward the start of a new year, weary caregivers may be struggling to find ways to lead healthier lives. The demands of caring for a senior loved one can take a toll on both the physical and emotional health of the caregiver. What can you, as a caregiver, do to start off… Read more »

Is the Medicare Observation Stay Costing You Money?

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My father was admitted to the hospital twice in one year for the same type of illness. The second bill was a little more than half the amount of the first one, but Medicare paid hardly any of it. And although his doctor recommended he go to a rehabilitation center after the second hospital stay,… Read more »

Helping a Senior with Medicare Open Enrollment

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Every fall we receive questions about Medicare open enrollment from adult children in the area. Because many of them are not yet eligible for Medicare, they need advice on how to help their aging parent navigate through the yearly open enrollment process. What is Medicare Open Enrollment? For those unfamiliar with the open enrollment period,… Read more »

Flu Shot and Seniors

female getting a vaccine from doctor

My 87-year old mother moved in with us this past summer. She is still fairly active and independent but just wasn’t safe on her own any longer. I’m trying to convince her to get a flu shot. Since she had it last year, she doesn’t want to get it again. Mom thinks if she gets… Read more »

Alzheimer’s Wandering Kit for Winter

senior man walking on a road in the winter

As winter begins to make its return, caregivers who have a loved one living with Alzheimer’s disease should be prepared. One way to do so is by developing an Alzheimer’s Wandering Kit. If the unthinkable happens and your loved one wanders on a cold and snowy winter day, this kit can help rescue workers launch… Read more »

How Online Caregiving Communities Can Help

lady on a laptop

Caregivers face challenges they may never have expected. Many are caring for aging parents while struggling to juggle their own children’s needs and a full-time job. Others are providing care for a senior loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease and trying to find ways to manage difficult behaviors. What we know about caregivers is that… Read more »

9 Fall Activities to do With Your Senior

close up view of pumpkins

Autumn is here, with beautiful colors, abundant harvests, and gorgeous weather that makes most of us want to get outdoors and enjoy all the fall activities Central Ohio has to offer. Here’s a list of nine activities to do in the area, even better they are all free or inexpensive! Apple picking: Enjoy the pretty… Read more »